There are a number of differences between traditional style swamp coolers, and modern style evaporative systems. Swamp coolers are of comparatively less cost, however require continuous maintenance and also consume high electric energy. The Evaporative Cooler facilitates you a hassle free, cool & fresh air experience for years with less energy costs. From the previous few years Ventech Systems has been getting more exposure as a manufacturer of the world class range of Evaporative Air Cooler in Noida.
Here, we are describing a few significances of evaporative cooling technology, and the major points that are affecting technology, markets and economy.

Working of Evaporative Cooling That makes difference
Designs of evaporative coolers are very easy having compressor based cooling systems. A large number of utility companies with hot & dry summer areas having population growth rate with continuously increasing phase promote more and more usage of evaporative coolers.
Working of E-Coolers- When air blows via wet medium- a tee shirt, aspen fibres, fiberglass, or plastic with some water transfers to air in order to lower the temperature of dry bulb. Temperature difference decides the dependency of cooling effect between dry and wet bulbs, velocity & pathway of air, and quality & condition of medium.
Types of Evaporative Coolers-
Direct evaporative coolers use fans in order to pull out air inside via media. This media is kept completely wet through continuous spray of water.
Indirect evaporative coolers cool the premises without raising the level of indoor humidity, and they take advantage of evaporative cooling effects.
Utility of Evaporative Coolers based on first cost
The first cost of evaporative coolers is comparatively higher than traditional cooling systems. But, when it comes to calculate energy consumption, maintenance and longevity, evaporative coolers have saturation efficiency greater than 80%. In general, we can say the price of installed evaporative equipment is less than the installed cost of compressor based cooling systems.
Efficiency that Makes the difference
Evaporative coolers achieve more comfort in different climate zones, as they
are capable of delivering air in various degrees below wet bulb temperature. These coolers are easily compatible with climates of fast growing areas. Having conventional air coolers at initial phase might look efficient, but in long terms the concept of evaporative coolers will always be beneficial to increase the overall cooling efficiency. If you are still using conventional cooling systems in your commercial premises, and putting more money and effort for their maintenance, then it is the right time to change your mood. Just replace them with advanced cooling technology. Ventech systems is an ISO certified provider of Evaporative Cooler in India. Visit the website to know more.