Like other machinery used in industries that undergo rigorous use and play an important role, centrifugal blowers and fans also need inspection regularly. Particularly, the surfaces and impellers of these fans tend to collect deposits that reduce the fan’s efficiency and most often result comes in imbalance and vibration.

However, it needs to be kept in mind that only the necessary amount of cleaning minimally should carry out and needs to be done carefully. Any kind of harshness during the cleaning process can damage the flow of air on the surface finish. The kind of process to clean would depend only on the current situation of how rigorously the fan is used.
Inspection of The Fan
During the installation of the centrifugal fan, its news to be inspected every few hours. The inspection frequency gradually can be reduced daily, or week-by-weekly, then monthly.
Visual Inspection
It is important to take a look in detail if you see any sign of damage in the blades of the fan or the structural deterioration. In industries, usually, the fans are run continuously, so the inspections can be made annually. However, if the annual inspection is impossible, then it is important to carry out the maintenance process during short shutdowns.
Cleaning Blades of The Fan
If the fan blades got dirt-coated, the efficiency of the fan would become less. Usually, an effective filter system keeps out the dirt mostly. However, it is important and wise to carry out a minimum of one inspection per year. As the impeller blades moving with the forward curved fans are mostly scoop-shaped, they tend to collect the dirt particularly. Even if the fan is small, then cleaning of blades may require nearly an hour to be taken off.
Inspection of Motor of The Fans
Getting the centrifugal fan unexpectedly low, is one of the most visible signs shown during the motor failure. However, the low efficiency of an amperage also indicates the assembly of the fan needs maintenance. Apart from it, you may also want to check that the motor is working in the right direction or not and make sure that the condenser of the fan is not cycling much rapidly.
Lubricate The Bearings
It is important to lubricate the sleeve bearings twice or thrice per year as they have running surfaces made up of metal. These bearings must be labeled with recommended lubrication intervals and lubricant type. You might be kept in mind that such bearings are not re-greased. In case, if bearing generates excessive noise, heat, and vibration, it seems to fail soon. It usually happens when bearings become old, and then the bearing cassette is required to be replaced.
Belts Adjustment
The centrifugal fan’s belts need to be protected and secured with dripping oil, oil mist, and chemicals. If these belts are not protected and exposed to chemicals and oils, and not adjusting properly, then it means they need replacements more often than usuals. If the belts of the centrifugal fans are too tight, they pressurize shaft bearings and motor the fan excessively. It may cause the bearing or the belt to fail. Lose the belt while wearing out easily and cause these fans to lose the torque slip off.
Note: The supply of the electricity should completely shut off and other lockout procedures should be followed just before beginning the process. To prevent a wheel from rotating, the assembly of the rotation needs to be blocked.