When it comes to maintenance of your plant or factory premises, the maintenance and look over of Dust Collection is most often ignored by the owners. Likewise, other elements of industrial premises, Dust Extraction, and Collection Systems also have good significance. Just don’t ignore dust extraction systems, however, give equal priority to these systems as you give to others while improving your plants.

Here we are mentioning three small tricks that can help you increase the operating efficiency of your Dust Extraction systems without much hassles and expenses:
1- Check Whether Filter Bags Are installed Correctly
Filter bags are very important for any dust extraction system. If they are not properly installed, then the whole system will have to suffer. It may decrease the efficiency, cause failure of filters, and the downtime of the system will also affect. To take right consultation about the installation of filter bags, take suggestions from people who are already experts in this area.
2- Use clean on-demand systems
Hiring technicians for manual cleaning of dust collection systems can be a cost consuming process. In spite, the usage of clean on-demand systems can be productive enough. Such systems on a control board and a differential pressure gauge. The gauge controls the pressure difference between clean and dirty air sections and reports to the control board. When the differential pressure goes high, the controller starts cleaning, and it disengages automatically when the pressure goes low.
3- Integrate Dust collection system controls
When system controls are integrated to dust collection systems, they are able to manage an accurate amount of dust cake on filters. Excess amount of dust is removed from the surface of the filter. They also help in controlling and regulating the system cleaning with high efficiency.
I Hope, these three basic tips are helpful for you to increase the efficiency of Dust extraction and Collection systems at your premises. To know more detailed tips or suggestions you can contact consultants at Ventech Systems. You can also put your query regarding the purchase and installation of new dust extraction systems in Noida.